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Sunday, September 28, 2008

The White House

I'm typing in the airport, waiting for the return flight from the very last event -- the National Book Festival in Washington, DC. Key highlight (besides the author breakfast at the White House, where all the famous authors try to play it cool as they fill their pockets with White House napkins (The fools! The best stuff is the White House toilet paper!) was all the incredible folks who waited in the sun for an hour to say hi. Love to them.

And then, while I'm standing there in the White House and eyeing the napkin thievery, I finally get to meet Neil Gaiman, who then introduces me to...just, please, wait...Salman Rushdie.

Me, Neil Gaiman, Salman Rushdie. In the White House.

Did the world end and no one told me?

Pics shortly -- and don't forget, Monday is the last day of the auction: and the prices are cheap for that Ivan Reis Superman and Lois drawing (think wedding or anniversary present for someone). Also, the Heroes walk-on and the Siegel shirt are still out there until tomorrow.

Waiting to go home...

So close, I smell it.


WILLIAM said...

You and Neil in the same room? The Whitehouse no less.

My two favorite authors in the same spot. wow.

Joy Leftow said...

Love the smell of success...

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