Just found out that the two events in Houston for tomorrow (Tuesday) have been cancelled due to Hurricane Ike. I hear it's getting better there in some parts, but my publisher is terrified that it's something out of a zombie flick, and so, I'm headed straight to Philly instead. Special apologies to the incredible stores -- Murder By The Book and also Midnight Comics -- who are just some of the nicest around. Both know we'll figure out something really cool to make it up to them.
Also, today is the last day to bid on getting your name in the next novel -- and to bid on the other items in Round 2 of the auction to save the house where Superman was created. And next week...? We get Letterman involved. Plus lots more new items.
Love to all.
While I feel bad for the people down in Texas, it was nice to meet you today at Barnes and Noble (the little one). The Book of Lies is on my TBR list now. :D
(the sticker girl)
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