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Friday, September 26, 2008

Volunteer This Weekend In The Cleveland Area

Many people have said that they want to be a part of the “rebirth” of the Siegel House. Here is your chance.

Tracey Kirksey of Glenville Development Corp. has organized a day for volunteers to help the neighborhood where Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster grew up and created our favorite hero.

The invitation is below, the day is tomorrow, Saturday, September 27 at starting at 9:00am.

No skill required. Be a part of history and give back to the neighborhood.

Sorry for the late notice. I just heard myself. :)

Join Northeast Ohio’s ServiceNation Day of Action

September 27, 2008
10622 Kimberly Avenue

9:00 – 9:30am Registration
9:30- 10:00am Welcome
10am Volunteers deployed and engaged in service

As a part of ServiceNation Day of Action, Glenville Development Corporation, the Siegel & Shuster Society and Hands On Northeast Ohio have planned a day of service centered around the restoration of the former home of Jerry Siegel, one of two Glenville High School teens who created Superman.

Projects for the day included painting seniors homes, painting Charles Lake Elementary, landscape projects, and minor exterior repairs on Kimberly Avenue.

ServiceNation is a campaign for an America in which, by 2020, 100 million citizens will volunteer time in schools, workplaces, and faith-based and community institutions each and every year (up from 61 million today), and that increasing numbers of Americans annually will voluntarily commit a year of their lives to national service.

Please join over 100 volunteers as we represent Cleveland’s commitment to others.


Stephen R. said...

Wish that I was closer to Cleveland so that I could pitch in tomorrow. Congratulations on all that you are doing for the Superman House. Incredible work.

Joy Leftow said...

Superman is my hero & so are you.

I recently began blogging with some Cleveland folk here on fb.

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