Yes, the Book of Lies has a soundtrack. Victor Records has put together a great soundtrack featuring REM, "Holding Out for a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler and of course "Greatest American Hero" by Joey Scarbury.
There's even a song called "The Book of Lies" by Robert Ellis Orrall and an original score so you can listen while you read.
You can get the soundtrack on on both iTunes and Amazon.
Along with the soundtrack, I was asked to put together an iTunes Playlist. It's taken me a decade, but finally my mixmaster skills can be revealed!
Chack it out here.
Read and shrug:
Aimee Mann – Wise up
When you play it, it doesn’t just haunt you. It actually physically stops time. She’s the best person I ever saw play live.Annie Lennox -- Waiting in Vain
This is the song that makes my wife go “Awww, I love this song.” I shake my head and act cooler. But I secretly love it. I. Will. Never. Tell. Her.Everything – Barbra Streisand
That’s right. Streisand. (wow, I just realized looking at my list...I’m a woman). It reminds my of my Mom, who recently passed away. (See, now you feel like a schmuck for being judgmental, right?). Jewish gives the best guilt.Mixed Bizness – Beck
If I could add one artist over and over, it’s Beck. But only a loser puts two songs by the same guy on a mix. That’s Mixtape 101, sugah. (Still, Debra is the best song ever about anyone in J.C. Penney). I used to heart Prince. Now I heart Beck (who clearly crushes Prince as much as I did). Also, none of this takes away from the fact that we’d rewind Purple Rain 10,000 times to see Apollonia naked.Secret Garden – Bruce Springsteen
Let me be honest here: every single person who does one of these lists is trying to look cooler than they are. I’m trying as I type this (failed again). But I’m also being honest. There are some songs that get to me. And I kinda hate that this was in Jerry Maguire, therefore ruining my ability to say I loved it first (curse you, brilliant Crowe!). But I did.Where do we go from here – Buffy the Vampire Soundtrack
Best. Bester. Bestest. It was the arms crossing hand motions that really swooned me.Run-Around — Blues Traveler
My junior year of college, before Blues Traveler was big, their gig in Detroit got cancelled and the word went out that they’d pay for the first group of people to come up with $5,000. We used everything we had. A hundred of us. And they played in our kitchen. Swear this is true.Drift Away – Dobie Gray
Every other old song has been stolen and ruined by a movie. Not this one. So all you film school emo types, don’t buy this. Don’t listen to it. Don’t use it. This is ours!Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters – Elton John
When we did Jack & Bobby, this was the song that Bobby was supposed to get his first kiss to and the network wouldn’t let us buy because it was too expensive. Now who’s laughing? Me or the cash-flushed network who cancelled us!?You Can’t Always Get What You Want – Rolling Stones
Not just a song. A life lesson. Play it for your kids and tell them it was written for them. They won’t know.Ice Ice Baby – Vanilla Ice
I saw him in concert (c’mon, I was young. And we were really there to see Hammer. And we were...I’m gonna stop talking now). Still love it. Not ashamed to say it.Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robot – The Flaming Lips
The only thing that beats songs about robots are songs about robots fighting zombies (and I don’t know those yet).Follow You Follow Me – Genesis
I slept out for Genesis tickets (I was in high school, I’d have slept out for Thomas Dolby. Wait. I did.) This is the song that holds up.Who is He and What Is He to You — Me’Shell Ndegeocello
She intimidates me. She curses. I’m putty.A Little Respect – Wheatus
My favorite remake of a song I didn’t even know I liked.
America Has Spoken – Patton Oswalt
He knows he’s my favorite. Just listen. America needs comedy that is real truth. “A failure pile in a sadness bowl.” Genius is always funny.Faces — Ohh La La
It’s just good. It’s right. It’s best.It’s Tricky – Run – DMC
Back in my Miami days, I was a fiend with the double cassette tapes — my days and nights filled with mixes, especially dance mixes. Here's the list of them, and promise, all of these are real (sadly): Meltz E. Fresh, Meltz E. Soul, Bell Biv DeMeltz, Please Meltz Don't Hurt 'Em. I will say, Meltz E. Soul was designed to be the ultimate make-out mix. Never worked. Too much Prince, not enough Keath Sweat. Here’s the sauce.Theme from Greatest American Hero – Joey Scarbury
When we decided to do a soundtrack for The Book of Lies, this was the first selection. Don’t roll your eyes. Listen to the words. This is me and young and dreaming and everything in the damn world is possible...set to music and on TV. Plus, it’s on The Book of Lies soundtrack, baby!
come on, no Nick Drake?
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