Sitting on a plane to Atlanta -- and i swear -- there's a full row of six Tibetan monks in front of me. Six in a row, all across a full row of seats. In bright orange robes. And one is scrolling through his iPhone while eating Mentos.
It's the Mentos that does it.
I love America.
This post about the monks made me laugh out loud.
We loved you in Atlanta! Thank you so much for your thoughtful insights. Good luck on the rest of your book tour.
I LOVE IT!!!!! Like Alan, I also laughed out loud!
This reminds me of a time years ago around Xmas: I was at the grocery store and "Jingle Bells" was playing as store music. A Hassid, dressed all in black and wearing a hat, was going about his shopping humming to "Jingle Bells!!!!" While heartwarming, this also made me smile.
Hi Brad
I just finished reading "The Zero Game", which was terrific. I am intrigued by the character of Dan Cohen who appears briefly at the end of the book - half-matzoh ball, half-meatball. My own children are half-Jewish, half-Italian, and then have a great grand-uncle, Al Gross, on the Jewish (my) side who was a gangster and associate of Meyer Lansky in NY. Would you consider writing a book about Dan? (please ignore this if you already have written about him - I have not read all of your books yet) I was thinking that Dan could get into trouble, unwittingly doing a favor for one of his relatives who is still "connected" and that he would need the Mafia to halp get him out of it...I'm sure you would be much more creative than I am. Anyway, I'd like to hear more from Dan Cohen. Thanks so much.
I've been a fan of STM (Six Tibetan Monks) for years. Their third album, "Pocket Full of Mentos", is a career high that should help them find transmission into the mainstream. (Their first album, "Monks on a Plane" was promising, but they disappointed with their sophomore follow up "Waiting on an iPhone Buddha")
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