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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Disney and Elmo

Just back from a week's vacation in Disney, where the clear high point was the stop in Sea World. Why? Because when I was 15 years old, I spent all my free time (and four years of high school) scooping ice cream at the Häagen-Dazs in the Aventura Mall. It taught me to hate rich people and to be nice to anyone serving food of any kind (except for those Orange Julius pricks). But the highlight was my best pal at work, a fellow 15 year old who always said his lifelong dream was to train the whales and dolphins at Sea World. He even wore a cheesy gold whale tail around his neck (don't make fun, I used to wear a Superman charm. It was a gift, Snoopy).

Twenty years later, he's at Sea World. The star of the whale and dolphin show. I cry every time I see him.

So go be nice to the ice cream guys. Tip 'em too. If you're a jerk, we used our pinkies to break the bottom of your cone so it'd leak on you by the time you hit JC Penney. Eat that.

Also, here's Ricky Gervais and Elmo.


Anonymous said...

Your "sea World" friend sounds like a kid I knew who was a big comic book fan and grew up to write them.

I scooped ice cream in college and no one ever tipped me, I had the forearms of Popeye though.

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