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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Brad Saw Watchmen

Saw Watchmen last night. You have to go see it and decide for yourself. You have to. Don't read reviews. Don't be influenced. Make your own decision (just like when the comic came out).

But let me just say this -- seeing the film is like seeing, twenty years later, the girl/boy from junior high that you had your biggest crush on. It's thrilling. And gets your blood flying -- really flying. But what stands out most is what's different and imperfect and therefore (unfairly or fairly) outstandingly wrong.

What they get perfect is so damn perfect (it's insane how perfect). What they get wrong feels like lemons on your papercuts. But go see. You'll know.


Casey Johnson said...

We walked out, she said it was far to long. I looked at her, and calmly replied"Your crazy. They left half of the masterpiece out." Like V for Vendetta, From Hell and LOEG what was good was fantastic. But if had left the stories alone the outcome would have been far more impressive. The adaptation I want to see is JLA: The Death Of Sue Dinby. Casey Joseph Johnson

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