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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Shane Davis kicks off JLA/JSA

Yes, to give Ed a rest after two back-to-back 30 pagers (in JLA issues 6 and 7), Shane Davis is going to be doing Chapter 1 of JLA/JSA. And let me say, he's incredible. I don't say that to hype. I've seen the pages. His Wildcat, his Roy, his Hawkgirl, his Batman and Black Lightning and Mr. Terrific... Geoff and I are truly truly excited. And then Ed is back for issues 9 and 10.

Also, just saw Ed's layouts for the cover of issue 7. The cover itself is designed by the genius that is Eric Wight and if this works out as we hope, will be such a wonderful tribute to all the JLA ages.


1 comment:

sammy.the.k said...

Ed'll be missed, but at least a qualified guy is taking his place for the brief time.

Although many people hate on Turner, I would love to see some JLA stuff from him, his Superman/Batman stuff with Supergirl was awesomeness.