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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Vote On The New Title!

Oh, yes, it's that time again -- Fall approaches, pumpkins appear, and my wife revels in the fact that I'm physically incapable of picking my own title for the next book. In my defense, this is a different kind of title, since it's the first non-fiction book I've ever done.

So first, please help us vote (pick one of these titles only -- and the description of the book is below, but don't read that until you vote). Which title do you like better:

Heroes For My Son


50 Heroes For My Son

Yes, I know they're similar. Just vote (you can vote below, or send an email to bradmeltzer44 at, or at @bradmeltzer on twitter). You vote? Okay, then here's what the book's about:

Since the day my son was born, I've been writing a book for him. It's a collection of heroes throughout history. Some are famous (like Jim Henson, Mr. Rogers, and Rosa Parks). Some are totally unknown. (In fact, if you have someone you're thinking of, send them my way). But the result is this book -- a gift to my son.

Yes, I know I'm mushy. It's for my boys. I'm allowed. (I'll be even more mushy in the book I did for my daughter, which comes out the following year.)

So there you go. Whatever it's called, it won't be out until May 2010 (yes, for Father's Day), so please vote now. And as always, thanks for putting up with this.




Jen Forbus said...

Heroes For My Son...don't think you need the 50

Zachary Cole said...

Heroes for My Son.

Jen said...

Heroes, the 50 doesn't add anything. Can't wait to read it!

Katie said...

Just to add another idea, if you really want 50. Why don't you just call it: 50 Heroes.

But, I like: Heroes for my Son.

Niko said...

I prefer Heroes For My Son, too. Great project by the way. Can't wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Heroes for My Son

Linda said...

Heroes for My Son


Unknown said...

Heroes for my Son sounds good to me, can't wait to read it.

Knightwing J said...

Heroes for My Son... definitely. Can't wait to read it.

Knightwing J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ryan Lewis said...

Heroes For My Son.

The 50 makes it sound like a list. Like Top 10 Ways to Fill In the Blank.

Anonymous said...

Heroes For My Son, you definitly don't need 50

Claude said...

I like Heroes For My Son. I just hope there aren't too many politicians in this one.

mellody said...

Heroes for My Son. What a great idea for a book!

Dana B said...

Hi Bradster!
I recommend "Heroes For My Son" for the title of your book. The quantity's not as important as the message.

Gearing up for Texas v OU weekend ... so GET YOUR HORNS UP!

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