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Saturday, June 06, 2009

Old Jews Telling Jokes

I am now going to do you a favor. I used to hate Father's Day. It was a fake holiday. Until I got presents on it. So take this link, send it to your Dad, and wish him a Happy Father's Day with it. He deserves it.

Thanks to Jason S. for finding it.

Old Jews Telling Jokes


Stephen R. said...

OLD JEWS TELLING JOKES is the best! Thanks for introducing me to the site. Perfect for me and my father.

Sure, we're "one step above poor white trash" Southern Baptists, but still... :)

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone,

I am really glad I have finally got Dads Father's Day gift idea all sorted out at last. I chose a great joke book on 'old me' which I hope he finds funny!I also chose a lovely print of a sunset with crashing waves on the sand. I had it framed so I hope he really likes it. I had the greeting idea all sorted out a while ago, so that is one thing I can tick of my to do list. I wanted to try something new and exciting. I came across a cool free Fathers Day eCard site which I quite like, there are lots of cards which I know my Dad will like. Whenever I go onto this site I always find new cards which I like, so it maybe worth giving it a try.

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