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Friday, May 08, 2009


Got a new publisher in Germany, who just sent me the scariest coolest cover.
I'm now scared of myself.

Book Of Lies, German Cover


Hugh said...

Wow, when did you start writing satanic thrillers??

ColorCodedC said...

That's AWESOME. Looks like you've officially been inducted into the badass club. :-)

Maria said...

I am reading this now, not in German though, WOW!

Niko said...

I loathe what German publishers are doing right now. You wake up in the morning, go to the train station to go to work and watch huge ads of books where it reads: "Today is the day you're going to die!" And this is but one example.

It seems that German publishers can 'touch' the readership, only when using such extreme measures. Lots of books look satanic and/or have 'bloody' covers.

In that context, I'm sorry to say that, Brad, but this is one of the most awful covers I've seen. Thank God I prefer reading your books in English! :)

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