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Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Just saw the Eisner nominations for this year. Especially excited by the love for Matt Wagner (one of my first pals in comics), and for Matt Fraction (who I don't know (tried to find him at the Eisners last year), but is easily one of my current favorites). Go read his X-Men annual. I haven't bought an X-Men annual since it was in a polybag. Easily one of the best stories of the year.


Casey Johnson said...

Matt Wagner is great! I just read Trinity for the first time last week! Brad does the forward in this book and as always nails it. Ex Machina is another book with a hard hitting forward by Mr. Meltzer. In my opinion Brad Meltzer is the greatest author that has every breathed life into DC's iconic symbols. He had me at Green Arrow #16, and by Identity Crisis #7 I was in love(after I stopped crying like a little girl). To read quotes from a living legend, paying homage to other writers with half the skill, is humbling. If you have never read a comic in your life, I am sure you would earn a fondness for them from Brad. Thank you for some of the best ups and crashing downs of my life! Casey Joseph Johnson 28 Salisbury NC

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