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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

UK Pub Date And Watchmen Reaction

For all those (hi, Cliff!) who wrote and asked when The Book of Lies would be published in the UK, well here you go.

Today's the day -- England, Ireland, Australia and loads of other countries that carry English language books. And we didn't even change all the elevator references to lifts (I used that joke in 1997).

Here's the cover, which I'm fascinated by. Love seeing how other countries interpret it.

Also, after talking to a select few who have seen the movie early, let me pass on the one comment in common: we'll love what they do right. We'll kill people for what they get wrong. That is all.

PS - Also saw a sneak peek of the Zatanna costume for Smallville. Best. Best.


Little Merry Sunshine said...

LOVE the cover!!!!

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