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Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Today’s my Mom’s birthday. The first birthday since she passed away. And yeah, it’s just another day. But man, I miss her. In fact, what hurts most isn’t just the loss. It’s the reality that it’s getting easier. I’m getting used to her not being there. And that twists me even more.

Boy, what a mopey way to start the day.

Only thing mopier is rereading her eulogy.

Which I just did.

I owe my Mom every single moment.

Sending love to all those who have a loss they’re living with.


The Other Mike said...

What a wonderful tribute to an amazing woman. I lost my father in November and while he was nothing like your mother in his manner or personality they shared one so very important characteristic, the pure, immeasurable, almost crazy love for their children and grandchildren. I agree with what you said. I don’t miss any particular moment with my father I miss my father. I miss know that he was there and loved me no matter how much I screwed up.

Thank you for sharing. My thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you dad died 33 years ago yesterday and my mom 5 months later and tho it gets easier... after all these years, i still miss them just as much...God Bless You and yours...

Tommy! said...

I hope it's not disrespectful to leave a comment but I just arrived here sort of by accident & was kind of moved by this blog posting.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My grandmother, who was more of a mother to me then my own mother, just died recently. It never gets easy. She was a really great lady. You would have loved her if you ever me her.

I hope you're well & I wanna send you good wishes. Remember the good long as you do that then things will be all right.


Anonymous said...

My mother died during the holidays, too. I understand the guilt you feel over your pain easing, but she wouldn't want you to be hurting for long. I'm sure that she'd like for you to remember the good things when you think of her and remember how great those good times were. And she'd probably like that you miss her, too. But, bottom line? She'd want you to be happy.

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