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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Picture's Worth 10,000 Words

More from Comic-Con. My favorite costumes ever. And they were near each other.

Thanks to Iñigo for sending it!

Brad with Batman and Zatanna At San Diego Comic-Con '08


Unknown said...

Good morning Mr. Meltzer.....

Cool picture...:) The guy in the middle is wearing his "Fan Boy" costume...he he he....

But speaking of fans....

Here are my favorite pictures at Comic-Con.

Brad Meltzer signing my iPod...Remember he said he would sign anything...he signed my iPod, the place where all the audio books I have of Brad Meltzer live. Very cool picture of Mr. Meltzer.


The "Pod" my friend and I found on the sidewalk the next morning out side the convention center. Does it belong to anyone we know? Brad did you leave your 'POD" behind at Comic-Con.

I wish I knew how to embed these photos in myspace....but here they are....

Maybe not 10,000 words...but at least 1,000.


You know who...

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He looks like he's about to break into the Batusi...

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