This was the first superhero comic I ever read. And this is the page that started the addiction. So when reader Lynn came up to me at Comic-Con and offered to send me a scan of the pencils...well...Lynn, marry me.
And now, shared with you.
Click on the image to enlarge
Hey, I just found out your involvement with DC Comics goes all the way back to 1990, when your name first appeared in Justice League America #26 -- in the letters column! Haha! I guess you wrote to them about wanting to see a "good fight". They didn't write your whole letter, just a short quotation. :)
Brad, JLofA #150 was one of my favorites growing up too. I read my copy many times over (along with the first part of the tale in #149). I think my subscription (the beginning of many years of one) was with issue #147 - the first part of the JLA/JSA/LSH team-up.
I know this issue is in my basement. I was a big JLA fan, and this has to be one of the early issues for me. I seem to remember a battle with Despero being the first. Thanks for posting this.
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