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Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I must say, I walked into the reunion expecting to count the facelifts and bad boob jobs (this is still Miami, kids). But as I got there, I ran into a dear friend who reminded me that she kinda disappeared in twelfth grade...left her dad...and was working on her own. In high school. The next person I bumped into was fighting (and thankfully winning) a bout with cancer. At that point, all the high school highschoolness went away and I was back to remembering how lucky I am to have had the high school experience I did. I so loved seeing every person there — even the one woman who told me I yelled at her while we were playing baseball years ago (especially surprising because I shied from the sports). But man, I felt an inch tall, apologizing and apologizing. I really was a bastard loudmouth when I was little.

Also ran into the very first person I ever met in Florida. I had no friends when we moved from Brooklyn, so my Grandmother set up a “playdate” for this other 8th grader to come over to her apartment. That way, when I started junior high, I’d know at least one person in the hallways. When I saw Danny Goldberg on Saturday (after 20 years), I told him, “Thank you for being nice to me all those years ago.” Owe him forever for that.

And by midnight, we had the Rob Bass pumping and I was doing the running man with my high school girlfriend and no one was calling us old and all was right in the suburbs.

If you’re thinking about going to your reunion...go. Go go go. People grow up. They don’t change. But some do grow up.


Anonymous said...

While I am a huge fan of your books. It is when you write about your life and your wife that I most enjoy. It is nice to see that you have the same ideas and feelings that the rest of us in the real world do. Thanks for giving us a peek into your life and all the happenings in your mind.

Martin Maenza said...

Brad, my 25th high school reunion is next month - and I cannot wait. We've had a 5 year, 10 year and 20 year in the past (5 too soon, 10 and 20 were good). You are right - people don't change much but they do grow up. It is nice to see that.

Anonymous said...

I just got back from my 20th too and it sounds like yours went as well as mine. I was expecting it to be great but everyone said it exceeded expectations. It was such a trip down memory lane...I'm glad I went after much debate. I too moved from NY to FL, so I actually have a second one this summer (lucky me!)

Tiffini said...

Brad, it was great to see you and Cori at the reunion.

And I didn't mention this before but I wanted to let you know I was very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. She sounds like she was quite a wonderful woman.


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